Pesquisa personalizada

30 de setembro de 2008


Li isto ontem à noite e bate muito certo com tudo o que está a acontecer nos EUA. 

I said to Andy that I'd foreseen the seam-ripping of America's frayed old frock coat, and I added: "I supposed it couldn't be otherwise..." and she said "Democracy won't work, it's a shame but it just won't work" and I said, "The reason it's falling apart this way is that the people of America have been living in the past too long... For too long we've broadcasted the American Dream on all networks as gospel and everybody's been content... living in the past... The nation is falling now because its people haven't been able to face it when the granite thunderbolt plows square into their upper plates, that the American Dream is only a dream, and that the American Reality is imperative, a powder-keg situation."

Estas palavras foram escritas pelo lendário crítico de rock Lester Bangs para um manuscrito autobiográfico que nunca viu a luz do dia. Foram publicadas pela primeira vez em 2003, na antologia Mainlines, Blood Feasts and Bad Taste (Londres: Serpent's Tail, 2003) organizada por John Morthland, num de três "fragmentos" dessa autobiografia inédita. 

Foram escritas em 1968, o ano de todas as revoluções, em resposta às mortes de Andy Warhol e Robert Kennedy. 

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