Pesquisa personalizada

30 de maio de 2007


Chegado ao estúdio acolhedor (com gato incluído - já falamos disso) onde vou passar as minhas férias na cidade da baía, abro a mala e dou lá dentro com um papelinho da Transportation Security Administration do US Department of Homeland Security a dizer "Notice of Baggage Inspection". Em duas línguas, inglês e castelhano, explicando muito bem como os EUA se estão a tornar num país bilingue.

"To protect you and your fellow passengers, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is required by law to inspect all checked baggage. As part of this process, some bags are opened and physically inspected. Your bag was among those selected for physical inspection.

During the inspection, your bag and its contents may have been searched for prohibited items. At the completion of the inspection, the contents were returned to your bag.

If the TSA security officer was unable to open your bag for inspection because it was locked, the officer may have been forced to break the locks on your bag. TSA sincerely regrets having to do this, however TSA is not liable for damage to your locks resulting from this necessary security precaution. (...)

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation."

Escusado será dizer, estava tudo dentro da mala e no sítio onde era suposto estar.

1 comentário:

menina alice disse...

Não, não acho mesmo escusado dizer-se isso! Eu tinha tirado tudo e metido tudo directamente na máquina de lavar! Que desplante! Revistarem a bagagem sem o portador ao pé!!!