Pesquisa personalizada

29 de abril de 2004


É uma das mais belas canções de amor que jamais ouvi. Gostava de a poder dedicar a ti, hoje, quem quer que sejas, onde quer que estejas. Mas não posso. E para que ela não se perca, prefiro dá-la a M. e J., porque acho que é a história deles. E de quem nela se quiser rever.

why would I stop loving you
a hundred years from now?
it’s only time
it’s only time

what could stop this beating heart
once it’s made a vow?
it’s only time
it’s only time

if rain won’t change your mind let it fall
the rain won’t change my heart at all

lock this chain around my hand
throw away the key
it’s only time
it’s only time

years falling like grains of sand
mean nothing to me
it’s only time
it’s only time

if snow won’t change your mind let it fall
the snow won’t change my heart not at all

I’ll walk your length
and swim your sea
marry me
marry me
and in your hands
I will be free
marry me
marry me

why would I stop loving you
a hundred years from now?

- Stephin Merritt para The Magnetic Fields, "It's Only Time", in "i" (Nonesuch/Warner Music, 2004)

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